3-on-3 Tournament Q & A

Have more questions? Check the Q&As!


Question: My player is just starting out with ringette. Is this event for them?


Answer: Players should be comfortable playing in a fast-paced game and have a good understanding of the rules. Not sure? Send us an email and we can answer any questions you may have to NWRA Coaching at coaching@nwra.ca


U10 Advanced are those born in 2014 that are in at least their second full season. U12 is open to players born in 2012, 2013, U14 are players born in 2011, 2010 and U16 are players born in 2009, 2008.



Question: Are friend requests allowed?


Answer: No. The goal is to form balanced teams so we plan to group players of similar skill level together. Because of the nature of the  one-day tournament, there will be lots of opportunities for players to see their friends during breaks and to cheer them on during their games.


Question: Where can I find the tournament schedule?


Answer: The schedule is here  Home team is the 1st listed, 2nd team listed is Away.


Question: How early should my player arrive at the arena?


Answer: Players should be dressed and ready to play their first game. Suggested arrival time is 7:50 am.  The 1st scheduled game time is 8:30am. Those teams that are not scheduled to play the first game of the day a pancake breakfast is planned for 8:30 am.


Question: My player has a food allergy, will there be a special breakfast and lunch for them?


Answer: Yes! Please make a note of the allergy during RAMP registration and feel free to  email secretary@nwra.ca

Upon arrival, let the volunteers at the sign-in table know so they can connect you with the organizers.


Question: Will jerseys be provided?


Answer: No. Please send your player with a white and black/navy jersey. Extra white and navy jerseys will be available if you don’t have any at home.


Question: My child can no longer attend the tournament. Can I get a refund?


Answer: Refunds will be issued if there is a player to take your child’s place, or case by case with a Dr’s note 48 hours in advance of the tournament date.


Question: Will lunch be provided?


Answer: Yes. Seven Oaks Canteen is providing a hotdog, canned drink and chips which has already been included with the player’s registration.


Question: Are volunteers needed?


Answer: Absolutely yes! Please contact secretary@nwra.com if you can help out on either date, December 28th or on December 29th.



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